Ryan Kavanaugh has always worked towards the social welfare of humanity. Beginning with animal welfare, Ryan has always been very passionate about animal welfare. He has saved many animals from getting euthanized. He has protected many dogs by adopting them and then placing the canines in a safe and loving home. One can find about five to ten dogs at his Nantucket-Style Malibu manse. Kavanaugh has invested in the company, Dog for Dog a premium pet food company which has a philanthropic motive of donating one bag of food to the shelters for each purchase.
Ryan’s philanthropy project towards animal also included the acquisition and funding of a dog rescuing organization named FreeHand. It was not getting advertised or marketed and so Mr. Kavanaugh said that he plans to raise the profile of the company through his other businesses. He said, “It’s unquestionable as it will be integrated into Relativity’s Movies, TV shows, and our sports program”. And then added that “We hope this will become a staple of Hollywood, and if you are not involved in this, then you're not promoting social good amongst the animal world."
Mr. Kavanaugh has donated almost all his earnings to charitable organizations such as Cedars-Sinai Medical Center that has also awarded him with the 2010 Hollywood Humanitarian Award. In addition, the Sheriff’s Youth Foundation has presented Ryan with the Community Champion Award due to his outstanding dedication to the problems of young people.
Ryan Kavanaugh along with his wife has helped and contributed a lot to the charity trusts through the Kavanaugh Family Foundation. They have worked for various causes such as child abuse, people suffering from malnutrition, and anyone who need help. He has served as the Chairman of the Board for the Art of Elysium, which is an organization that encourages the celebrities to dedicate their time and money to children who are suffering from severe medical conditions.
In addition to all this, Ryan is also an investor in Pathway Genomics, a company that provides the physicians with an array of actionable tests that can identify the genetic risks of diseases such as cancer, cardiac conditions, and any other inherited diseases. Ryan has contributed a lot towards social welfare by helping not only just the society but also have initiated development in the medical field.
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